
Wednesday, 30 March 2011

People matter

If I could offer one bit of advice to a software developer, nay anyone who works with other people towards a common goal, it would be that people matter.

Take a minute to reflect on the improvement initiatives your team has undertaken in the last 6 months. How many were new tools? How many were silver bullet methodologies? How many were focused on improving or even understanding the make up and core skills of the team? My guess is that the people development activities will have been fewer in number, and possibly only lip-service attempts to make things better.

Now compare that to how important people are to what you do. Throw in your tools, your processes and every other factor you can think of that helps get the software out of the door and put them in order of importance. Be ruthless, imagine that you have to give up all but the most important. Anyone not think that the people are the one thing you cannot do without?

Doesn't it then follow then that the most effort and time should be spent improving this most important of resources? I think so, and my intention for this blog is to share my journey with you as I meander through whatever literature and ideas I can find on understanding and developing people.

I invite you, as a follower of this blog, to share with me your ideas and opinions, on what I write and what I dont.

As a rough outline, I intend to:

  • Learn some techniques to help me understand my people, what motivates them, and how I can profile them to better understand how to get the best out of them.
  • Understand how people learn, and apply it to things like employee induction, product/process training.
  • Figure out what it means to be a team, and what teamwork can achieve.
  • Capture the attitudes and behavioural patterns of the people that I want in my team, and work out how to transfer that into my recruitment.
  • Work out why some people seem to be resistant to change/improvement and what, if anything, I can do to overcome their reservations.

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